Sunday, January 5, 2014

You can't win without differentiation.

You can't win without differentiation. 
One simple statement that sums up all aspects of life.

In your family, on a soccer team, at your job; a one size fits all approach doesn't work for everyone.

So, who came up with the brilliant idea that it would work in a classroom of children coming from different backgrounds with different strengths and weaknesses? No clue, but it doesn't work! 

Okay, that was easy enough.
Now you understand differentiation is important, blog done.
haha. KIDDING!

But really, hopefully that opened up your eyes a little if you were still in the darkness on the whole "one way works for all" approach that so many educators have adopted in their classroom. Not to throw anyone under the bus, because a lot of amazing teachers follow that approach. Yet, I think differentiation is so essential and hopefully after reading my blog, you'll be on board too.

I am going to forewarn you before we go any further. A sports team is going to be my go-to reference with this blog. Why? Because I don't have the personal experience in teaching my own classroom yet, but I do with being on teams my whole life. So, just go with it and act like my connections make sense.

We want to win in all aspects of life.
Yet, we all know you can't win on a sports team without differentiation in instruction depending on the people on the team.
Nor can you in a classroom.
In order to win, differentiation must be made depending on the students in the class.
Makes sense, right?

Okay, so now that I have brought up such a valid point that has your wheels turning, I will go and let you think about it all and decide where you stand on this differentiation & "one size fits all" battle. That way you can either agree with or hate my posts from here on out.

Until next time,
- Mallory

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