Monday, January 27, 2014

Student Needs as the Focus.

In chapter one, I had that A-HA moment with the "cogs of differentiation."

Chapter two dives into one of those cogs that is so important: 
Student needs.

It should be obviously to anyone, especially teachers, that recognizing and fulfilling students' needs
are a  
huge part in the success of a classroom.

If that isn't obvious to you, then this chapter just lays it out on the line for you
and tells you the key elements that constitute student needs.

Affirmation. Contribution. Power. Purpose. Challenge.

five elements that can make or break a part of your classroom.

As I read through this chapter, it went a little more in depth about each of the elements.
Students have to feel accepted. They have to feel that they make a difference in the classroom.
They have to feel that their choices contribute to their success. They see a significance behind the
things that are being learned in the classroom. They also have to be challenged and help accountable.

It was another kind of A-HA moment for me. This doesn't just apply to children.
These are elements that they everyone wants to feel within their lives.

We all want to feel important, that our contributions matter, that we have power in scenarios, that we also have a purpose, and that we are constantly challenged to be better and grow.

These things make us feel better about ourselves. They make us feel that our contributions and our
presence is important to those that we are around.

We all have needs. Every single one of us, and many of our needs are similar to those around us.
No matter if they are our age or in an elementary classroom.

When I began thinking of it that way, it was just another A-HA to me.
This isn't hard. It's just a simple concept. Boy oh boy, though, does it make such a HUGE impact.

Our students can't succeed if they don't feel important.
Differentiate in ways to make sure that they are feeling challenged, are seeing purpose, and are succeeding.

Students needs are key.
Never forget it!


1 comment:

  1. Amen... I really think that the cog of the students' needs is the most important one, but that the others are critical for interacting with it and keeping everything moving toward our goals of education. I'll be anxious to read what you think as you "oil" those cogs and see it working! 5 pts.
