Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Airport hubs.

In class yesterday, a quote was given that I truly loved and didn't want to forget.

So, what better place to put it than on the differentiation blog for all of you to see and remember?

"Schools are like airport hubs, student passengers arrive from many different backgrounds for widely divergent destinations. Their particular takeoffs into adulthood will demand different flight plans."
(Levine, 2002, p. 336)

This quote put such a neat perspective in my mind about schools. Children truly are arriving from all different backgrounds. They each have different home lives, skills, interests, and most importantly; futures. Not all children are going to end up at the same destination; therefore, as a teacher, we cannot provide every student the same "flight plan." Every student needs an individualized plan that will help them to grow and succeed on their person destination. This quote will forever stick in my mind and be such a great reminder for me on why differentiation is important. Every student can have a wonderful future, regardless of where they come from, and it is my job as the teacher to help them get one step closer to reaching it.

Hope you enjoyed just as much as I did,
- Mallory

1 comment:

  1. This was a great way to begin blogging on the reading. The points I was giving "back then" were "coaching points" to help people reflect a little more, or tie their posts to course content. You aren't having any problem with those things, and the points were not accumalative... they were purely to coach folks to write more (or better).
