Saturday, February 15, 2014

You need support too.

The last reading and post had me thinking a lot about support systems.
The support system that we are to the students is essential;
however, teachers need support systems too in order to succeed.

My best friend, Laurel (like Carl), posted a pretty great post about her support system.
Go ahead, check out her blog, but don't start liking her more or anything. ;)

Anyways, if you aren't going to go over to her blog, 
I guess I can tell you about her post.

Her blog post was from her heart.
A part all of us future teachers need to get in tune with.

She talked about how when we gain that connection with the parents and students,
we will be able to gain support systems through them too.

I think that's such a huge part for us to remember.
Parents know their children better than teachers will ever know them.
Therefore, to have the support of parents is going to be HUGE.
They can help us to help their children in the best possible ways!

Another thing Carl talked about was the support her family provides her.

As I said, after reading the text about support systems for students and then her blog post.
I couldn't help but think of the support system that I will have when I am teaching.

People have provided me with immense support my entire life;
however, my family has provided me with the very most.

I do not have any family here in Utah, except for my mom, little brother, and little sister.
My dad and both his side and my mom's side of the family live in Alabama still.
However, regardless of where I live, they will be a support to me as I am teaching.

On days that things are overwhelming, I can always pick up the phone and call my family.
They will be that support to encourage me to not give up even on the hardest days.
They will help encourage me to do all I can to help each and every student.
They will provide me with guidance on situations that I will not know how to handle.
They will be my rock, as they always have been.

You can't do stuff on your own.
It will drive you mad.
Lucky for me, I have a lot of family to make sure I never have to do it alone.

Another support system that I have found to love are my old teachers.
I LOVED my teachers growing up.
 I mean, I can only count on one hand the ones I didn't in 12 years of schooling.
I have continued to keep in contact with about ten of them over Facebook.
They have been a support system to me as I have gone through the program,
and I know that they will be such a resourceful support tool as I begin to teach.

Other supporters that I will have as I teach will be within the school;
take advantage of other teachers with years more of experience.
Take all the help you can get. It won't ever hurt to get help.
In the end, it will only help you and the students that you teach to get the most from every day.

Find your support system and use them.

- Mallory

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Mallory... this post made me want to know every member of your family -- what a beautiful family! And, I LOVE that quote you placed near the end. May I copy it? 5 pts.
