Saturday, February 8, 2014

Teachers: What you do matters.

Hi ho, hi ho, off to the next cog we go!
Teacher response is what's next, y'all.

Chapter three is all about 
Teacher Response.

Y'all just know how much I love these cogs.
They just CLICK for me.
They all tie into together to make the class move properly.

Last cog we talked about the students' needs.
Now i is how a teacher can respond to the student's needs.

Again, there's 5 elements that sum it up.

Invitation. Opportunity. Investment. Persistence. Reflection.

After reading these, I feel like most of these are things people do out of second nature.
At least most people, that have a heart, you know. 
However, for all of you no-hearters out there, here's what you have to do!

You have to show the students that you have a respect for them and for who they can become.
Get to know them, show you have time for them, and make them feel needed in the classroom.

You have to give them opportunities to feel important. Assign certain tasks to them one day.
Make sure that they know you chose that role for them because you know they are a great fit.

You have to work hard to make sure that they know you want them to succeed.
They have to know that you will do all you can to find the path that suits them best.

You have to figure out what works best for each student. Like I talked about in my last post,
every student needs individual growth and a class can't succeed without every child succeeding.
Help students accomplish goals, but also understand there is no finish line in learning.

You have to observe how students are learning. If you see something that needs adjustment, adjust.
You have to form a partnership with the students and continually work at it.

It's another one of those things, it seems so simple when reading it.
It's like, well duh - that makes sense.
You want students to feel loved. You want them to succeed.
Therefore, it would seem to me, that you would do all in your power to help them.
You know their needs, now you just have to help fulfill those needs.

Students can succeed and they will, but they can't do it alone.

- Mallory

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! And, you are right in that good teachers (with heart) will respond in these ways naturally. The thing that makes it difficult, and a reason for teaching about HOW to do it, is that it is difficult to do it will everyone in the classroom. It's just hard... we can talk about how wonderful diversity is, because it IS, but it is not always easy to respond in these great ways with every student when they are diverse from ourselves and many of the other students. Does that make sense? You are right on track, though -- I sense in you an ability to really "make those clogs click!" 5 pts.
